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Inbound Roaming Market Share

Why MNOs need to know it and how to find out

This free webinar was aimed at people working in the Roaming industry within Mobile Operators worldwide. The webinar was hosted by Janusz Jezowicz from SpeedChecker together with Milja Hofman from Roamingwise and we covered options to define your inbound market share.

Thursday April 9, 09:00 AM GMT

Logo SpeedChecker & Roamingwise

Topics we covered:

  • Why knowing inbound market share is important
  • Comparison of options to find out inbound market share
  • Explanation of SpeedChecker product for inbound market share
  • Ways to expand your inbound market share

About SpeedChecker:

SpeedChecker collects billions of data points on the quality of mobile networks worldwide. For our roaming reports, we look at a subset of our crowdsourced mobile network data which consists of end user devices which are currently roaming outside of their home operator network. Contact Janusz Jezowicz

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Janusz Jezowicz
Janusz Jezowicz
CEO at SpeedChecker

About Roamingwise:

Roamingwise offers training and consultancy on a variety of international roaming topics in various languages. Training can be delivered online, on-site and in training seminars worldwide. Contact Milja Hofman

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Milja Hofman
Milja Hofman
Owner of Roamingwise